As the newest member to both the Coulthard family and the My Fathers Heart team, I can’t deny that I’m in my element. With a background in fine art and an unreasonable passion for food and entertaining, I’ve landed with both feet on the door step to a room full of exquisite handcrafted kitchens. And just to top it off; it’s that fabulous time of year again!
With summer fast approaching and the Restaurant awards just around the corner, how can our spirits resist the flurry of excitement as the days draw longer and the temperatures rise, knowing that the combination of two of life’s greatest treats are soon to be combined for a season of joyous satisfaction?
With fresh summer fruits and home-grown salad ingredients, alongside an array of locally-sourced meat reared, adamantly, just for the barbecue, the delights of easy entertaining are practically upon us.
The kitchen becomes a hive of activity with the bustle of ‘mise en place’ while the children run riot on the lawn. The patio doors are open welcoming the fresh warm air in to tickle the furniture as the rays of sunlight lift every pigment of the room.
The smiling guests arrive. The atmosphere is light and comfortable.
It’s easy to put summer behind us when we enter the cold winter months. But four months in, we begin to realise how much we miss the sun and it doesn’t go unnoticed when the warmth of the rays start to creep back into our days. Soon to be gone are the moments when we don’t quite know which colour of wine to drink and the term ‘English Rose’ is relevant to every one of us as our glowing pale skin is now virtually transparent.
I love summer. Not just for the returning colour to everybody’s cheeks, but I love picnics and barbecues and sitting round the kitchen drinking spritzers and preparing a potato salad to accompany the excessive amount of grilled-produce acquired from the local butchers.
I love to see the kitchen come into its own in the summer, as friends and family mill around me pouring Pimms and nibbling crisps and chatting about their week. The kitchen is designed to accommodate anyone and everyone. It becomes the most respected yet abused room in the house as the bustle of activity is joined with laughter and chaos.
During any season, the kitchen is the most treasured room in the home, whether it’s to share an intimate glass of celebrative bubbly, or to host everyone you love.
The kitchen, the hub of every home, should be welcoming and inviting. Whilst reflecting your personality, it should support and embrace every person you need it to. It should entice you in after a long day or look after the children when you’re not around. It should accommodate the way you cook, the people you love and the mood you’re in.
At times, the kitchen is a place to find sanctuary. At others, it’s a place to find joy.
The kitchen is a room worth getting right.